Date of Last Revision: August 29, 2024

off---lie is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use off---line to keep up with friends, to share links, to share photos of themselves and their friends, and to learn more about the people they meet. We want off---line to be a place where people respect the rights and feelings of others, including third party intellectual property rights. Therefore, we have established certain rules for using off---line and for posting messages, photos, and other content ("Content") on off---line, which rules are set forth in our Terms of Use and in this User Code of Conduct. WHEN YOU USE OFF---LINE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO ABIDE BY THE USER CODE OF CONDUCT AND THE OTHER RULES SET FORTH IN OUR TERMS OF USE. FAILURE TO ADHERE TO THIS CODE OF CONDUCT AND THE TERMS OF USE MAY RESULT, AMONG OTHER THINGS, IN TERMINATION OF YOUR ACCOUNT AND THE DELETION OF CONTENT THAT YOU HAVE POSTED ON OFF---LINE, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE, AS DETERMINED BY OFF---LINE IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION. Please refer to our Terms of Use for more information about the rules applicable to your use of off---line and the other rights and remedies of off---line.

Third Party Content

off---line allows you to upload and share user generated Content with your friends, such as photos you upload from your device. This means that you may post and share original photos that are of a personal nature that: (i) are of you or your friends, (ii) are taken by you or your friends, or (iii) are original art or animation created by you or your friends. It is not intended as a place for you to post third party copyrighted content, such as the latest episode of a popular TV show or your favorite music video. In addition, we expect our users to use good judgment and respect the copyrights and other intellectual property rights of others. Therefore, in using off---line, you may not:

  • upload or share any photos or other Content other than original works that are created by you or another user
  • post or share any Content that infringes upon or violates the copyright, trademarks or other rights of any third party
  • attempt to circumvent any content filtering techniques we may employ

Inappropriate Content

While we believe users should be able to express themselves and their point of view, certain kinds of speech simply do not belong in a community like off---line. Therefore, you may not post or share Content that:

  • is obscene, pornographic or sexually explicit
  • depicts graphic or gratuitous violence
  • makes threats of any kind or that intimidates, harasses, or bullies anyone
  • is derogatory, demeaning, malicious, defamatory, abusive, offensive or hateful

Unlawful or Harmful Content or Conduct

Although as an online service provider, we are not responsible for the conduct of our users, we want off---line to be a safe place on the internet. Therefore, in using off---line, you may not:

  • violate any local, state, national or international law or post any Content that would encourage or provide instructions for a criminal offense
  • impersonate any person or entity or otherwise misrepresent yourself, your age or your affiliation with any person or entity
  • use off---line to send or make available any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, solicitations, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation
  • post or share any personally identifiable or private information of any third party
  • solicit passwords or personal information from anyone, including those under 18
  • use information or content you obtained on the off---line website or service in any manner not authorized by the off---line Code of Conduct or Terms of Use
  • post any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment
  • register for more than one account or use or attempt to use another's account, service or system without authorization or create a false identity on the Service or the Site
  • engage in any predatory or stalking conduct

This Content Code of Conduct is subject to change at any time at off---line's sole discretion.